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,Sassicaia 2020

Sassicaia 2020,

veste scuro e profondo ma mostra l’inconfondibile finezza che lo contraddistingue.


Sassicaia 2020,

wears dark and deep but shows the unique finesse that distinguishes it.


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Il 30 Gennaio siamo stati ospiti di Tenuta San Guido per degustare le nuove annate che a breve saranno presentate in commercio. Due i vini in degustazione : Guidalberto 2021 e Sassicaia 2020. 


Duemilaventi e Duemilaventuno annate decisamente differenti per caratteristiche e peculiarità hanno messo in difficoltà in modo diverso i produttori dell’areale viticolo in costa toscana e non solo.


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We have been guests of Tenuta San Guido to taste the new vintages that will soon be presented on the market.
Two wines for tasting: Guidalberto 2021 , Sassicaia 2020

Vintages very different for characteristics and peculiarities have put in difficulty  in different ways the producers of the wine area in the Tuscan coast and non only. 

Guidalberto vintage 2021, precise and compact, shows a strongly growing personality with smoothness and pleasant progression on the palate.
Sassicaia 2020 is a versatile and multifaceted wine. It shows the character of the thoroughbred signed Tenuta San Guido with energy and vibrations. A wine that leaves you doubly surprised and involved and shows great balance and dynamism.


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